Public Hearing Notices
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Marin Local Agency Formation Commission will continue or open a public hearing on April 30, 2020, by teleconference which can be joined via this link at 7:00 p.m., to consider the following items:
Approval of Sphere of Influence: The Commission will consider adoption of the sphere of influence re-affirming without change the City of Novato, Novato Sanitary District, Novato Fire Protection District, County Service Areas #1, #20, and amend the sphere of influence of the Bel Marin Keys Community Service District.
Tiburon Peninsula Municipal Service Review: The Commission will review the report and recommendations for the service review and sphere of influence update for cities and special districts in the Tiburon Peninsula of Marin County. This region encompasses the Tiburon/Belvedere/Strawberry area. The study focuses on seven of the public agencies (City of Belvedere, Town of Tiburon, Strawberry Recreation District, Tiburon Sanitary District #5, Tiburon Fire Protection District, Community Service Area #29, and Flood Control Zones 4/4a) within the region.
Proposed Draft Budget for FY 2020-21: In accordance with Government Code Section 56381, Marin LAFCO will consider adopting a proposed budget and work plan for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. An associated staff report on the proposed budget and work plan will be available for download at approximately one week prior to the hearing date.
All interested persons are invited to attend. Comments or questions should be directed to Jason Fried, Executive Officer, Marin LAFCo, by mail to by phone to (415) 578-2304; or by email to